Friday, October 1, 2010

Hamlet: On the Prairie?

I think it is clear that After Eden won't be coming for a little while. Mostly because the script still isn't done yet, but also for this simple fact: no money. So, in hopes of convincing kindly donors, we've decided to make After Eden a Short Film first, then, if we're lucky, perhaps we'll be able to make it a full feature. Another deterrent (and this isn't a bad thing) is this: Alek and I will be directing this year's Shakespeare Feature Film, Hamlet.

So, some details about that: Hamlet is going to be set in 1890's Utah, and DON'T GIVE UP HOPE JUST BECAUSE OF THAT! We know, it sounds iffy. But trust us; it will be MAGNIFICENT. We're currently working on callbacks for casting our major roles, and should have a list up by the end of next week. We'll add a tab here on the DancingBean site for more information and such.

Otherwise, just working on film projects for out CE Film class here at EHHS. Alek worked on a remake of the "Here's Johnny" scene from The Shining, and I worked on a remake of the "Siren Song" scene from O' Brother, Where Art Thou?

Until next time, drink Coke, make movies, and keep in touch.

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