Sunday, November 15, 2009

trying this...

Snow White & The Four Convicts Trailer

The Official Snow White & The Four Convicts Trailer.
(I also apologize to Bri'anna for spelling her last name wrong- I was in a hurry, seeing as I was already late in turning it in to show before the premiere of MACBETH.

EHHS ManBears Commercial & The Boots

This movie is one I made with my little brother this past summer of 2009. It is about a boy and his boots...

I Don't Know why it's gray at the beginning... but just so you know, it isn't like that originally. It's Black...
The following movie is an assignment I had for my college-credit film class. It had to be 1 minute without dialogue, so we (my group and I) decided to make a a trailer for the non-existant EHHS ManBears Basketball team. We also were able to simultaneously bash our nemesis school, the Lehi Pioneers, by making to opposite team the Nehi Settlers. (we only do this because Lehi always wins the trailer/commercial category at the Utah High School Film Festival with their silly, drama-soaked Basketball movies.)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Snow White & The... 4 Convicts?

Well, people are unreliable and lame. Not to mention total drama queens.
Besides having problems with the majority of the props that we're using and the major dropping out of convicts, it is now Snow White and the 4 convicts. Snow white also can't stop giggling, and out main convict's father is going in for emergency sergery. And the director is five seconds away from saying 'screw it'.

But it will be done! And I will use all my editing skills to make this the very best it can be!
Hang in there, Mr. Director Man! I'll save you!

Progress: Scene 8 is almost done... some other scenes are almost done... There will have to be tons and tons of ADR.