Saturday, March 3, 2012

Your Film Festival, Little Hollywood Shootout, and more!

March is going to be an incredibly busy month. I'll be shooting 3 projects, the first of which is coming up at the end of this week.

If you all haven't heard, YouTube is hosting the Your Film Festival festival. I'll not only be working with the incredible David Westphal on his short, Hit Me, but I'll also be working on my own film, working title Bruised. It's not a horror film. I know that my mock poster makes it look like such, but it's really not. Promise.

So Bruised will be the first project, then after that I'll be heading a team of about ten for the Little Hollywood Shootout down in Kanab. Yikes!
I feel pretty excited. I think we're all going to make magic together. I'm really going to try and make these the most visually stunning projects I've ever done.

Bruised is a short film about a young woman escaping her abusive home life by running away with her boyfriend to live in the woods.

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